Japan’s Booming Death Business: ENDEX, The End Of Life Exhibition
Japan’s rising death rate is good business For ENDEX: The End Of Life Exhibition. We discover that it’s more than just Hello Kitty urns!
Japan’s rising death rate is good business For ENDEX: The End Of Life Exhibition. We discover that it’s more than just Hello Kitty urns!
Why do some people – particularly women – go out of their way in Japan to divorce their spouse’s families after death? Learn why shigo rikon has been on the rise since the 1980s.
She was a symbol of prewar prosperity – and controversy. How the “modern girl” of Japan’s roaring 1920s defined a new path for women.
Why are there so few women in STEM fields in Japan? Yuko Tamura argues that the bias starts before girls even turn seven.
Would you hire a stranger to be your spouse or your parent? For some in Japan, the rental family is the answer to avoiding awkward social situations.
Michi no Eki are Japanese roadside stations that offer more than parking and toilets. They also engage in various support initiatives!
The Japanese government is finally revising its approach to sex ed in Japan. But media and online creators are still filling in major gaps.
People without a family registry can die without access to essential services. Divorce law and Japan’s koseki system explain why.
He thought that women had it easy…until he pretended to be one.
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