Colloquially, she’s known as “Nevada-tan”. Her real name is (or, at least, was) Tsuji Natsumi. Whatever you call her, she was at the center of a crime that rocked newspaper headlines in Japan. She also became something of an Internet phenomenon that endures to this day.
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ToggleNevada-Tan’s origin: The Sasebo Incident

The tragedy occurred in 2004 in the city of Sasebo, in Japan’s Nagasaki Prefecture, at the public Okubo Elementary School. ‘Nagasaki Prefecture is located on the western side of the island of Kyushu, below Japan’s main island, Honshu.
The entry for the incident on Wikipedia JP details what happened the day before. It also covers the day of the incident in a minute-by-minute recreation[1].
The trouble began in May 2004 with a diary exchange between sixth-grade friends. The assailant, Tsuji Natsumi, who was 11 at the time, took umbrage with someone in her friend group using similar expressions and phrasings to the ones she used. The victim, who seemed to think this was silly, mocked the assailant on an Internet message board.
To say that Tsuji didn’t take this well is an understatement. She ratcheted up her bullying campaign, breaking into and defacing the victim’s Web site repeatedly. She later confessed to police that she thought about killing her around this time.
On June 1st, 2004, the victim passed a note to her group saying she wanted to leave the diary exchange. Around lunchtime, the assailant called the victim into a study room. There, she made her sit in a chair and slashed at her neck and wrists with a box cutter. The victim bolted up and fought back. But it was no use.
When the victim’s teacher noticed she was missing, they went to the hallway. There, they found Tsuji Natsumi standing silently and covered in blood.
The rise of a cult figure
Officially, the murder is known in Japanese by the cumbersome name 佐世保小6女児同級生殺害事件 (sasebo shou roku shoji doukyuusei satsukai jiken, The Murder in a Sasebo by a 6th Grade Girl of Her Classsmate).
However, the Internet will be the Internet. And thanks to the power of memes, the story took on a life of its own.
At the time of the murder, Tsuji wore a sweatshirt with the word “NEVADA” emblazoned across the front. Pictures of Tsuji wearing the shirt eventually made their way onto the Internet. Soon, artists drew pics of the girl who became known as “Nevada-tan.” Some are just cute pics of Tsuji. Others are fantasy recreations of her at the time of the murder.
I won’t link the pictures here as I find them in questionable taste. The morbidly curious can find them in the links in our Sources section or through a cursory Internet search. Suffice it to say that something about “Nevada-tan” captured people’s imaginations.
Why is Nevada called tan?
As an aside, “tan” is a Japanese honorific (敬称; keishou) like san, sama, kun, or chan. It’s primarily used for women in situations where you know someone closely (family or close friends). It’s also mainly used as Internet slang. It can also be used as a term of affection for celebrities, such as idols, actresses, etc.
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In other words, the use of “-tan” here implies a sort of affection that lifts Tsuji from being a criminal into a form of celebrity status. Make of that what you will.
Nevada-tan: The victim’s family speaks

Nevada-tan’s popularity as a meme seems to have peaked around 2015. In a piece he wrote around this time, writer Nakagawa Junichro pondered what the meme’s popularity said about Japanese society.
Nakagawa isn’t just a casual bystander to the incident, however. When the incident occurred, he worked for the father of the victim, Mitarashi Satomi, at the Sasebo branch of the Japanese newspaper Mainichi Shinbun. Nakagawa interviewed her father about his feelings.
Mitarashi’s father seemed relatively sanguine about Nevada-tan’s popularity. At the time of the incident, some called for tighter laws regarding juvenile crime. (Experts and citizens made the same appeals after Furuta Junko’s murder as well.) “I don’t know if that would prevent an incident like this, though,” he said. And Satomi’s brother added:
There’s no point in hating [Tsuji Natsumi]. I don’t know, really, I’m just tired. Dad doesn’t talk idly about revenge or anything either. In the end, I want her and me to live in the same community. I want to say, straighten up and live where I live.
Nevada-tan: 20 years later
Stigmatization of Asperger’s?
One unfortunate aspect of the case is that multiple news reports said that school counselors had diagnosed Tsuji with Asperger’s. Such reports likely did nothing to help the treatment of people on the autism spectrum in Japan. As it is, stigmas surrounding mental health in Japan often make it difficult for people to get the treatment they need.
What happened to Tsuji Natsumi’s family?

Tsuji Natsumi only spent about two years in a psychiatric facility. She was released in 2008 and rejoined society. She has presumably changed her name; no one currently knows her whereabouts.
Okubo Elementary turned the room where Tsuji attacked her victim into a “place of rest.” According to news reports, the school’s principal says a prayer every day[5].
Murderers don’t often have large fan followings in Japan. The opposite is true. When a family member is convicted – or even accused – of murder, the remaining members often find themselves hounded by an angry public. Popular opinion holds that if one apple is rotten, there must be something wrong with the tree.
The plight of people related to accused murderers is such a phenomenon that it’s a recurring plot point in novels and TV dramas. Perhaps one of the most famous recent examples is Ship of Theseus (テセウスの船). The original manga (and eventually TV drama) tells the tale of a young man whose father is (it turns out, wrongly) convicted of poisoning schoolchildren. The protagonist, his son, gets a chance to go back in time and prove his father’s innocence.
Of course, there’s no doubt of Tsuji Natsumi’s guilt. And sure enough, her family didn’t escape unscathed. The family eventually dissolved and scattered. While Tsuji’s father reportedly continued to live in Sasebo for a while, no one has seen him in years.
“It feels like yesterday”

2024 marked 20 years since the Sasebo murder. In May, at a symposium supporting victims of violent crime, the victim’s elder brother spoke about his feelings looking back on the incident.
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“It happened 20 years ago,” he told attendees, “but it feels like yesterday.”
At the time, he says he was afraid he would lose his father, too, who was distraught over his daughter’s death. The elder brother said he made two promises to himself. The first was that he wouldn’t cry in front of his dad.
The second? He resolved to smile. He had to show his father he was okay. He kept that up until he finally broke down and had to quit school. He told audience members that he did better after finally receiving counseling.
The Sasebo Superintendent of Education, Tsurusaki Koichi, also expressed his regrets, saying that no one at the time knew what to do in the lead-up to the incident. It seems to fill him with regret to this day when he thinks about the young victim.
“Someone should’ve been there to support her,” he said.
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佐世保小6女児同級生殺害事件. Wikipedia JP
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子どもの事件語るべきか 佐世保・小6殺害から15年. Nishi Nippon
敬称. Wikipedia JP
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