The Last Daimyo: The Life of Hayashi Tadataka
Amidst the backdrop of World War II’s start, one last survivor of the old Edo period order died. Who was Hayashi Tadataka, the last daimyo?
Amidst the backdrop of World War II’s start, one last survivor of the old Edo period order died. Who was Hayashi Tadataka, the last daimyo?
In western Fukushima Prefecture, an odd salient of territory extends, wedged between Niigata and Yamagata Prefectures. So why is it there?
The story of a little-know artist-turned-warrior during the waning days of the samurai — and who just might have been a queer woman.
Hundreds of years before Red Bull, the samurai of the house of Date were drinking a powdered concoction said to replenish a warrior’s energy.
How the “last samurai” Saigo Takamori escaped exile and changed Japan forever – before he rebelled against the new state he helped create.
Saigo Takamori would ultimately tear down the samurai system he so dearly loved. But first, he had to survive an ordeal that nearly killed him.
How Japan’s samurai resistance fell to the pressure of history – and how its leader went from hatred traitor to respected leader.
The story of the samurai who fought the rise of modern Japan to the end – and who, when all else failed, founded his own nation-state.
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