Hokkaido Detective Who Had Affair With Accused Murderer Loses Job

Kamui Kotan, Asahikawa, Hokkaido
Picture: はっさく / PIXTA(ピクスタ)
A Hokkaido detective was reportedly having an affair with a 22-year-old woman who ended up a murder defendant.

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The senseless murder of 17-year-old Murayama Runa in Asahikawa, Hokkaido Prefecture by a group of young women made headlines back in July 2024. While the case is still pending trial, one man has already received his judgment. News is out that one of the detectives on the case has lost his job after it came out he’d been having an affair with the group’s ringleader.

Murayama was killed by 22-year-old Uchida Riko and several others, including 20-year-old Konishi Yuka. After Murayama posted an “unauthorized” picture of Uchida on social media, Uchida and gang hunted her down, beat her, and pushed her off of the Kamui Kotan Bridge in Asahikawa.

At the time of the incident, however, Shukan Bunshun Online reported another unfolding scandal connected to the case. Uchida, it turns out, had been having an affair with a detective on the Asahikawa police force.

The detective, who’s only identified as X in Japanese media, reportedly met Uchida at a karaoke snack bar in 3.6 Town in Asahikawa. Bunshun also reported that other officers of the Asahikawa police force partied with the defendant.

A picture of the detective, X, with Uchida (right) in a karaoke snack bar.

This all occurred before the incident. However, it raised critical questions about what Asahikawa police were doing associating with someone who was known as part of the city’s criminal element. Some reports say that Uchida may have been a police informant with whom some officers became too close.


According to Bunshun, X’s career is now X-ed out. A source connected to the Hokkaido police says that Detective X confessed to having an affair with Uchida. The department disciplined him in September, and he’s no longer on the force.

The case is still awaiting trial. Konishi Yuka confessed to the crime and has written a letter of atonement. Her trial commences in February.

Uchida continues to insist that she’s innocent.

Besides bringing attention to the Hokkaido Police – who didn’t have a stellar reputation to begin with – the incident has shined a light on the notorious nightlife scene of 3.6 Town in Asahikawa. People familiar with the scene say that underage drinking and street prostitution run rampant in the area. Since the incident, police have reportedly been making surprise raids on bars and snacks in an attempt to crack down on criminal activity and underage drinking.

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Jay Allen

Jay is a resident of Tokyo where he works as a reporter for Unseen Japan and as a technical writer. A lifelong geek, wordsmith, and language fanatic, he has level N1 certification in the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) and is fervently working on his Kanji Kentei Level 2 certification. You can follow Jay on Bluesky.

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