Japan is UFO Hot Spot According To US Intelligence

UFOs in Japan
What's that in the sky over western Japan? No one knows...but a few people have some very definitive ideas. The speculation over the country's cluster of "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena".

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The United States Department of Defense launched a website to provide information on unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAPs). That includes flying objects (UFOs). And according to the site, Japan is a “hot spot” for UAPs this August.

The website runs under the management of the defense department’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), established in July 2022.

The Pentagon published its 2022 Annual Report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena on January 12th this year after a month’s delay. It covers 510 cataloged UAP reports including those from AARO. What portion of those cases came from Japan is unknown.   

However, the reports included Western Japan and its surrounding waters in AARO’s reported UAP hotspots on the website’s UAP Reporting Trends from 1996 to 2023.

Other “hot spots” include the U.S. and Middle East region.

Japan’s go-to UFO source

Mu, Issue 495
Issue 495 of Mu, published in 2022. Topics include: “The Matrix is true!? The world’s a game, a simulation!!” and “The Final Debate: The Space Programming Theory”

People have reported “UFO sightings” not only on the West side of Japan but across the entire nation,  according to Mikami Takeharu (三上丈晴). Mikami is the chief editor of the Japanese occult fanzine Mu (ムー). The magazine was supposedly inspired by the works of Swiss author Erich von Daniken, whose various books about ancient aliens sold over 70 million copies.  

Mikamki manages the International UFO Lab in Fukushima City. He says it has “UFO photographs” allegedly taken in eastern areas such as Fukushima and Nagano prefectures.

 “Including civilian reports, UFO sightings have been reported in Japan since before the war,” said Mikami.

The lab released its annual report on UFOs in June and reported 494 sightings both within Japan and abroad.

Six photographs were considered to have an “extremely high chance of being UFOs.”

Japan’s government won’t release any data

Unidentified flying object, UFO with the sunset in the background.
Picture: ktsimage / PIXTA(ピクスタ)

In September 2020, Kono Taro (河野太郎), Minister of Defense at the time, outlined the appropriate response the Japan Self Defense Forces (SDF) is expected to take in the event of identifying UFOs, published on the Kono Taro Official Website.

The orders to the SDF are under the title “UFO Response Policy,” or UFO taisho houshin (UFO対処方針).

The statement asked SDF members to record and photograph any UFOs that could pose a threat to Japan’s security. They should also take steps for “necessary analysis” of the sightings.

Kono doesn’t believe in UFOs. He says he issued the protocols in case SDF members encounter unconventional craft that could threaten national security.

In February this year, the Ministry of Defense announced permission for the SDF to shoot down all UFOs. That includes balloons and drones using weapons such as air-to-air missiles. But that’s in response to Chinese spy balloons – not outer space aliens.

At a March assembly, the Lower House’s National Security Council quizzed defense ministers about the number of UFOs in Japan. They answered, “There is no identified abnormal case that amounts to the level of requiring public release.”

Japan’s UFO village


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A man takes his daughters to the UFO Experience Center in Iino, Fukushima Prefecture.

Iino Village in Fukushima City is the self-proclaimed “Home of UFOs,” or UFO no Sato (UFOの里) for ‘having sightings of UFOs from ancient times and “mystery zones”.

June 24th, also known as World UFO Day, commemorates the first UFO sighting in the United States. On the same day, Iino Village held a meeting to announce the details of its accumulated UFO sighting reports.

One was of a photograph taken fifteen years ago in Yamagata Prefecture. It depicted a black object hovering next to a mountain that is suspected to be a UFO.

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[1]「日本はUFOのホットスポットだ」アメリカ国防総省がはじめに指摘 日本政府はどう考えている?「想定外」を議論する必要性. Yahoo!ニュースJAPAN

[2] U.S. Defense Dept’s New Website: Western Japan a ‘Hot Spot’ for UFO Sightings. The Japan News By The Yomiuri Shimbun

[3] Editor of occult fanzine Mu makes a pitch for ‘conspiracy literacy’. Japan Today

[4] 「UFOの日」に「極め得て可能性高い」写真と動画6点公開…福島で報告会. 読売新聞オンライン

[5] 「UFOの日」全国から寄せられた目撃情報の報告会飯野町. NEWS WEB

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