How Bong Joon-Ho Almost Directed a Japanese Movie About Soup (Allegedly)

Kodoku no Gourmet
Picture: Kodoku no Gurume website
Would you watch a show that's nothing but a guy eating food? Many in Japan and the world already do - and now, they can see the movie.

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There’s no doubt that Japan’s a country that loves food. Food-focused manga abound, and clips of Japanese variety show hosts exclaiming “Oishii!” and “Umai!!” as they dig into a popular local delicacy have reached meme status both here and abroad.

Perhaps no show better typifies this in recent times than Kodoku no Gurume (孤独のグルメ), or The Solitary Gourmet. Based on an equally popular manga by Kusumi Masayuki and Taniguchi Jiro that ran for 21 years, the story follows Inogashira Goro (井之頭五郎). Goro runs his own independent import business and travels around Japan, making sales before quelling his hunger at a local food joint.

As happens with most good manga series, Kodoku became a TV show that ran for 10 seasons and spawned numerous specials. Like the manga, there’s almost no plot to the series’ stories. Instead, each episode depicts Inogashira – played with a sweet down-home likeability by veteran actor Matsushige Yutaka – eating his dishes with relish. Goro generally eats alone, making the show one of the influences behind Japan’s growing singles culture.

A Chinese version of the show, based in Taiwa, also aired for a single season in 2012. And yes, the restaurants in the series are based on real places. We profiled five of the best last year.

The soup movie that Bong Joon-Ho almost directed

Not to let a good thing go to waste, Matsushige and Company have decided to keep milking their cash cow. (As a fan of the show, I say that with respect and gratitude.)


Kodoku no Gurume The Movie – directed and written by Matsushige – will hit Japanese theaters this month on the 10th. The story – such as it ever is in this series – sees Goro travel around the world in search of the perfect soup.

『劇映画 孤独のグルメ』本予告<主題歌:ザ・クロマニヨンズ「空腹と俺」>【2025年1月10日(金)公開】

≪テレビ東京開局60周年特別企画≫ 『劇映画 孤独のグルメ』 主題歌「空腹と俺」をふんだんに使用した、最新予告映像が解禁! 何やら、いつもの”孤独”からは想像できない、ワールドワイドにいろいろな事件に巻き込まれている様子の五郎(松重)・・・・。 依頼されたのはただの”スープ”探しの旅ではなかったのか?! 出演解禁されか豪華キャスト陣が五郎とどのように関わるかも必見! 明かされてこなかった、物語の断片を確認できるかもしれません・・・。 【公式サイト】 【公式Facebook】 【公式 X】 【公式 Instagram】 【公式TikTok】 ■タイトル:『劇映画 孤独のグルメ』 ■公開日:2025年1月10日(金) 全国公開 ■原作:『孤独のグルメ』 作/久住昌之・画/谷口ジロー(週刊SPA!) ■監督:松重 豊 ■脚本:松重 豊 田口佳宏(「孤独のグルメ」シリーズ) ■出演:松重 豊     内田有紀 磯村勇斗 村田雄浩 ユ・ジェミョン(特別出演) 塩見三省     杏 オダギリジョー ■主題歌:ザ・クロマニヨンズ「空腹と俺」 ©2025「劇映画 孤独のグルメ」製作委員会 #劇映画孤独のグルメ #孤独のグルメ #松重豊

In interviews, Matsushige says they decided to launch a movie as it came time to restructure the TV production. The stakeholders started talking about a movie, preparing for the possibility that the series might not get an 11th season.

Matsushige hadn’t already planned to direct. At one point, he says, he asked Korean director Bong Joon-Ho, the world-famous director behind Parasite and Snowpiercer, if he’d be interested. The two had previously worked together on the film TOKYO!, a three-part anthology set in the city and directed by three non-Japanese directors.

“I wrote him a letter,” Matsushige said, “but he said it wouldn’t work scheduling-wise. He said he really looked forward to seeing the finished product, though.”

(It’s unclear if and how much Bong seriously considered this offer.)

Matsushige said he was worried about bringing on an outside director “who’d suck up our TV Tokyo late-night staff.” As a result, he took up the challenge of directing it himself.

Personally, I’m pumped to watch Goro eat soup for two hours. Watch this space for my review next weekend.

Need more food-based Japanese movies? Good news! This isn’t the only food-themed movie in theaters currently. Grand Maison: Paris, the film version of the popular series starring SMAP member Kimura Takuya, is currently playing as well.

Updated 1/17/2025: Article incorrectly stated the Chinese production of Kodoku no Gurume was a Taiwanese production; this has been corrected.

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Jay Allen

Jay is a resident of Tokyo where he works as a reporter for Unseen Japan and as a technical writer. A lifelong geek, wordsmith, and language fanatic, he has level N1 certification in the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) and is fervently working on his Kanji Kentei Level 2 certification. You can follow Jay on Bluesky.

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