Universal Studios Japan Ticket Prices to Soar During Obon

OSAKA, JAPAN - December 1, 2015: Universal Studios Japan (USJ). According to 2014 Theme Index Global Attraction Attendance Report, USJ is ranked fifth among the top 25 amusement parks worldwide.
Planning to go to Universal Studios Japan in August? Check your dates carefully, as prices are set to hit record highs.

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Planning a trip to Osaka? Got your sites set on stopping by Universal Studios Japan in Osaka? Be prepared for sticker shock if you go in August, as USJ just announced a record price hike to handle the Obon crowds.

USJ ticket prices to cross 10,000 yen mark

According to the pricing calendar on its Web site, USJ will set the price of a one-day adult Studio Pass, the base park admission ticket, to 10,400 yen (tax included) from August 11th to 20th. It’s the first time in the park’s history that ticket prices have crossed the 10,000 yen line.

USJ has moved to a dynamic pricing model for its Studio Pass in order to help with crowd control. The popular park is already dealing with a huge influx of visitors due to the lifting of masking restrictions inside of Japan and the resumption of inbound tourism. Spending on travel to Osaka jumped over 700% compared to last year during Japan’s recent Golden Week holiday.

Universal Studios Japan pricing calendar
Picture: Universal Studios Japan Web site

The price hike falls during Obon, the holiday during which people in Japan pay respect to their departed ancestors. While not an official public holiday like Golden Week, many people vacation during the week of Obon. Domestic travel sites rank it one of the park’s busiest times of the year, next to Golden Week, Halloween, Christmas, and Spring Break in March.

Universal Studios Japan will also host several special events during the summer, including One Piece (July 5th to October 10th) and Super Mario Brothers (July 5th to August 24th) themed summer events.

Opening in 2001, Universal Studios Japan hosted up to 15 million visitors a year prior to 2020, with one in every 10 guests an inbound foreign tourist.

The increasing cost of travel in Japan

JR Rail Pass
Picture: Nozomi / PIXTA(ピクスタ)

Both inbound foreign and domestic tourism in Japan are booming as the world returns to a new normal. However, the prices of many tourist-related services are increasing as vacationers flock back. More and more municipalities across Japan, for example, are imposing lodging taxes on hotels and traditional onsen.

Recently, Japan Railways made headlines when it announced it would hike the price of its famous JR Rail Pass by 70% starting in October 2023. The increased fare price will include access to the coveted Nozomi and Mizuho services on the Shinkansen bullet train system. Still, a majority of travelers say they’ll likely forego the pass at that price point.

What to read next

Survey: 70% Will Pass on Pricey New Japan Rail Pass


USJ、8月11日~20日の「1デイ・スタジオ・パス」を大人1万400円に設定 初の1万円超え. Fukui Shimbun

【USJ混雑予想2023】春夏冬休み(GWお盆) &平日土日!アトラクション待ち時間. Leisure Boya

ゴールデンウィーク期間中の国内・海外旅行はコロナ禍前まで回帰する見込み、USJ擁する大阪は前年比7倍以上. @DIME

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